Webcam clip collection

Participation is voluntary and is subject to the terms and conditions presented in the next page.

Your computer needs to have a camera and optionally a microphone and you need to grant access permision for this page.

Please make sure that you maximize your browser window to see all the instructions.

Thank you for your help!

We are sorry! Your browser is not supported

Please use one of the supported browsers below

We are sorry! your OS is not yet supported

Unfortunately, MacOS is currently not supported for this experiment.

Please fill in your information

We will use this information to ensure we have enough diversity in the data we are using to improve our machine learning algorithms. Before we begin please fill out the following:


We are sorry! You are allowed only once to complete this assignment.

Hi! We are sorry! For this research project we only allow each worker only once to complete this assignment. Please try again later sometime.

Video Recording Booth


Cancelling Upload... Please wait

0 Seconds Left

Please make sure there is at least one face visible on the camera and press START RECORDING to begin.

Facing problem accessing your camera, please try following steps to resolve this problem.

Please allow/give permission to access camera & microphone and start recording.

If you can't see the prompt to give camera permission, check on the right hand side of the address bar.

If camera has been used by another program/browser, please close that program/browser and accept this task again to start recording.

Failed to upload video. Please check your Internet settings and start recording when you are ready

Please wait while uploading your video recording. The maximum upload wait time is 5 minutes, after that you will be able to submit your task.

The recording is uploaded. Click NEXT to complete the task

Please wait while we getting media access.

You are responsible for obtaining the consent from any persons included in recording. Please do not provide personal information.

Video Recording Booth

Your video was successfully uploaded. Thank you for your participation in this study.